Benefits & Compensation
The Importance of Employee Assistance Programs
When a tragic event strikes, it is reassuring to know that there is a system in place to assist employees. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are designed to provide support for employees that are navigating life issues that may impact their ability to come to work and be productive in the workplace.
Benefits & Compensation, Regulations & Compliance
Is the Salary History Question
The question of a prospective new hire’s salary history is on the cusp of becoming extinct. For many years, employers have asked the question of their applicants, “What is your current salary?” The information gained from the inquiry has either helped companies weed out candidates who had too large of salary requirements or hire an individual at a bargain rate. However, lawmakers believe that this type of data continues to fuel the wage gap between men and women, and majorities and minorities.
Benefits & Compensation, Payroll, Regulations & Compliance
Benefits Administration and Compliance
In this session we will discuss the pros and cons of choosing a High Deductible Health Plan over a Traditional Healthcare Plans for your employees.
Benefits & Compensation
Unemployment Benefits
An important question that you, as the employer, must consider when dealing with unemployment benefits is, what can I do to ensure that only those who truly qualify are able to collect benefits?
Benefits & Compensation
Compensation into the New Year
“When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.”
Oscar Wilde
Benefits & Compensation
What is Open Enrollment?
The end of the year isn’t just about holiday parties and colder weather – it’s also the time when many benefit plans have their Open Enrollment periods.