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Leadership & Management, Regulations & Compliance, Strategy & Planning

Telecommuting Authorization

This sample form sets forth certain terms and conditions of a standard telecommuting agreement between an employer and employee.


Leadership & Management, Regulations & Compliance, Strategy & Planning

Telecommuting Policy

This sample policy establishes the guidelines an employer will use for employees telecommuting.


Strategy & Planning, Tilson

PEO Clients in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Follow-Up Analysis

Professional employer organizations (PEOs) provide comprehensive HR solutions for small and mid-sized businesses.


Strategy & Planning

Preparing Your Business for Power Outages

Power outages are an unfortunate reality and often strike fast and unexpectedly, leaving employees looking for answers. Often a result of severe weather, a power outage can leave a workplace without the heat or lights on, and the impact can extend to employees’ homes—and their personal safety.


Leadership & Management, Strategy & Planning

8 Policies to Review Before Returning to Work

Returning to work in person is a top priority for many workplaces. As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lessens, employers are eager to get employees back in their buildings. But that comes with a series of complications.


Strategy & Planning

Disaster Planning: HR’s Role

Based on the number of unforeseen natural disasters since the turn of the century, including COVID-19,  terror attacks in New York and Boston, hurricanes like Harvey, Irma and Maria, and major industrial accidents in Louisiana, Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, it is clear that businesses must be ready for the worst. Disaster planning means coming up with a business contingency plan.


Leadership & Management, Strategy & Planning

Developing Workplace Violence Prevention and Response Plans

Unfortunately reports of workplace violence have become all too common.  According to a recent Society for Human Resources Management study, almost one quarter of American workers have reported that their workplace has experienced at least one instance of workplace violence. 


Strategy & Planning

5 HR Trends To Monitor in 2021

HR departments are given more and more responsibility each year, oftentimes with budgets that don’t match. This means HR teams must constantly seek ways to innovate and stay on top of trends if they want to compete in the marketplace, particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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