Regulations & Compliance
Workers’ Compensation Dos & Don’ts
Here are some helpful tips for businesses to consider in regard to workers’ compensation.
Regulations & Compliance
Form I-9: Avoid Common Mistakes
Form I-9 helps employers to verify individuals who are authorized to work in the United States. Per federal regulations, employers must complete a Form I-9 for every new employee.
Culture, Training & Performance
Stress Management
Life can be filled with various sources of stress and each person experiences stress differently.
Regulations & Compliance
The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA)
The Davis-Bacon Act is commonly known as the law that requires contractors and subcontractors who work on federally funded projects valued at more than $2,000 to pay workers the prevailing wage for work they do.
Benefits & Compensation
What is Open Enrollment?
The end of the year isn’t just about holiday parties and colder weather – it’s also the time when many benefit plans have their Open Enrollment periods.
Diversity & Inclusion, Training & Performance
Diversity: What it is & What it isn’t
When organizations approach us regarding diversity training or diversity awareness, it is fascinating to learn what diversity means to them. There are a wide variety of interpretations of diversity, everything from affirmative action initiatives, to sensitivity training, to anti-discrimination.
Regulations & Compliance
HIPAA and Your Right to Privacy
You go to your doctor’s office and are handed a form that says something about your privacy rights. You’ve seen forms like these so many times now that you probably don’t even pay attention to them. You may even figure that a doctor’s office is going to be careful with your information just as it should, and the rest of it is just a bunch of extra information you don’t need.
Press Releases
Tilson applauds new federal law
Greenwood-based Tilson joins professional employer organizations across the nation in celebrating the Small Business Efficiency Act, which defines PEOs in the federal tax code and creates a voluntary certification program for PEOs within the IRS.